Impossible Dream bringing barrier-free sailing to Florida's West Coast

Impossible Dream bringing barrier-free sailing to Florida's West Coast image

Follow along on Instagram as we share the joy of sailing in Naples, St Petersburg and Tampa

Captain Will and the wheelchair crew of Impossible Dream have recently arrived in Naples to offer barrier-free sailing to disabled persons and their families, at no cost. Then it's on to serve members of the disabled community in St. Petersburg and Tampa. We believe the water is healing, it creates community, independence and improves the quality of life for everyone onboard.

In 2025. Impossible Dream once again spreads the message that having a disability is a challenge that does not need to limit quality of life. A sail on Impossible Dream, a universally accessible sailboat, provides a unique and unforgettable adventure that changes the perceptions of our disabled guests and what they think is truly possible in their lives.

Follow along and see our mission in action on our Instagram

Thank you!

Deborah Mellen and the Impossible Dream Team